As of December 3, 2024, gold prices in India remained firm, with 24-carat gold priced at Rs 77,340 per 10 grams, reflecting its appeal among investors. Meanwhile, 22-carat gold, known for its alloyed durability and popularity in jewelry, was priced at Rs 70,890 per 10 grams, continuing to be a favored choice for ornament buyers.
In key Indian cities, gold prices showed slight variations.
In Delhi, 22-carat gold was priced at Rs 71,040, while 24-carat gold stood at Rs 77,490.
Mumbai saw 22-carat gold priced at Rs 70,890, with 24-carat gold at Rs 77,340.
Other cities, including Ahmedabad, Chennai, and Kolkata, reported similar prices for 22-carat gold between Rs 70,890 and Rs 70,940, while 24-carat gold remained within the Rs 77,340 to Rs 77,490 range.
Patna had the highest price for 24-carat gold at Rs 78,100 per 10 grams.
Factors Influencing Gold Prices in India
The price of gold per gram is determined by a variety of factors, including global market trends, geopolitical events, and supply and demand dynamics. Domestic factors such as import duties, taxes, and currency exchange fluctuations also play a role in shaping the retail price.
Gold holds significant cultural and financial importance in India, acting as both a preferred investment and an essential element in cultural celebrations, particularly weddings and festivals. As the gold market continues to fluctuate, staying informed about the latest trends is crucial for traders and investors to navigate this ever-changing landscape effectively.
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