How to Invest in Water Futures?

by Yuki

Water is one of the most essential resources on Earth, vital to sustaining life and supporting various industries. However, despite its abundance, water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource due to climate change, pollution, and growing demand. Approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, yet over 97% of it is saltwater, unsuitable for human consumption. Only about 1% of the planet’s water is accessible and safe for human use. This stark reality has made water a critical focus for both environmental conservation and investment.

Investing in water has emerged as a unique opportunity for those looking to diversify their portfolios while addressing one of the most pressing issues of our time. In this article, we will explore the importance of water resources, the opportunities available for investment, the development of the water futures market, and relevant indexes that track water-related investments.

The Importance of Water Resources

Water is indispensable to all forms of life on Earth. It plays a crucial role in agriculture, industry, and daily human consumption. As populations grow and economies expand, the demand for water increases exponentially. Yet, this essential resource is under threat.

Water Scarcity: Water scarcity is a growing concern worldwide. Climate change is altering precipitation patterns, leading to droughts in some regions and floods in others, both of which disrupt water availability. Pollution from industrial activities, agricultural runoff, and urban development further contaminates freshwater supplies, reducing the amount of clean water available.

Impact on Agriculture: Agriculture is the largest consumer of water, accounting for about 70% of global freshwater use. The scarcity of water threatens food security, as crops require consistent and adequate water supply to thrive. In regions where water is scarce, the cost of food production increases, which in turn drives up prices for consumers.

Economic Implications: Water scarcity has significant economic implications. Industries that rely heavily on water, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and energy production, face increased operational costs. Additionally, water scarcity can lead to conflicts over resources, affecting geopolitical stability.

Given the critical importance of water, it’s clear why this resource is garnering attention not just from environmentalists but also from investors.

Investment Opportunities in Water

Investing in water offers a way to tap into a resource that is becoming increasingly valuable. As water becomes scarcer, its economic value is likely to rise, providing potential returns for investors who recognize the trend early. There are several avenues through which investors can gain exposure to water-related assets:

Water Utilities: Investing in water utilities is one of the most direct ways to gain exposure to the water sector. These companies provide essential water services to municipalities, businesses, and individuals. They typically have stable revenues and are often considered defensive investments, as the demand for water remains consistent regardless of economic cycles.

Water Infrastructure: Water infrastructure companies build and maintain the systems that transport, treat, and store water. This includes everything from pipelines and treatment plants to desalination facilities and wastewater management systems. As infrastructure ages and demand grows, investment in this area is expected to increase.

Water Technology: Companies that develop technologies to improve water efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance purification processes are also attractive investment targets. These technologies are critical in addressing the challenges posed by water scarcity and pollution.

Agricultural Water Solutions: As agriculture is the largest consumer of water, companies that offer solutions to improve water efficiency in farming are becoming increasingly important. This includes firms specializing in irrigation systems, drought-resistant crops, and water management software.

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Mutual Funds: For those looking for a more diversified approach, ETFs and mutual funds focused on water-related investments are available. These funds typically invest in a basket of water-related stocks, offering exposure to different segments of the water industry.

See also: How to Invest in Commodities Futures?

The Water Futures Market

In response to the growing challenges associated with water scarcity, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) launched the first water futures market in December 2020. This market allows participants to buy and sell water futures contracts, providing a mechanism for managing price risk associated with water resources.

Understanding Water Futures: A water futures contract is a financial instrument that allows buyers and sellers to agree on a price for a specific quantity of water to be delivered at a future date. These contracts are settled financially, meaning that no physical delivery of water takes place. Instead, the contracts are settled in cash based on the value of the underlying water index.

Who Can Participate?: The water futures market is open to a wide range of participants, including farmers, municipalities, investors, and hedge funds. For farmers and municipalities, these contracts offer a way to lock in water prices and manage budget uncertainty. For investors and hedge funds, water futures provide a new asset class for portfolio diversification.

Price Determinants: The price of water futures is influenced by several factors, including current and expected water availability, demand from various sectors, and broader economic conditions. Seasonal variations and long-term climate trends also play a significant role in shaping water prices.

Impact on the Water Market: The introduction of water futures is a significant development in the water market, as it provides a new tool for managing water risk. However, it also raises concerns about the commodification of a vital resource and the potential for speculation to drive up prices, making water less accessible to those who need it most.

Related Indexes and Investment Vehicles

Investors looking to gain exposure to the water sector without directly buying water futures or individual stocks can consider various indexes and investment vehicles that track the performance of water-related companies.

Dow Jones U.S. Water Index: This index tracks the performance of companies involved in water utilities, infrastructure, and technology. It includes both domestic and international companies, offering broad exposure to the water sector. The Dow Jones U.S. Water Index is a useful benchmark for investors looking to assess the performance of their water-related investments.

S&P Global Water Index: The S&P Global Water Index includes companies from around the world that are involved in water-related businesses. This index provides a global perspective on water investment opportunities, encompassing companies engaged in water utilities, infrastructure, and technology.

NASDAQ OMX Global Water Index: This index focuses on companies that are involved in the global water industry, including water utilities, infrastructure, and technology. It offers a diversified approach to investing in water, with exposure to both developed and emerging markets.

Water ETFs and Mutual Funds: Several ETFs and mutual funds are designed to track the performance of water-related indexes. These funds provide a convenient way for investors to gain diversified exposure to the water sector without having to buy individual stocks. Some popular water ETFs include the Invesco Water Resources ETF (PHO), the First Trust Water ETF (FIW), and the iShares Global Water ETF (IW).


Water is a critical resource that is becoming increasingly scarce due to various factors, including climate change, pollution, and growing demand. As a result, investing in water has emerged as a compelling opportunity for those looking to diversify their portfolios while addressing one of the most pressing global challenges. From direct investments in water utilities and infrastructure to more sophisticated instruments like water futures, there are multiple ways to gain exposure to this vital sector.

The introduction of the water futures market by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange marks a significant milestone, offering a new tool for managing water price risk. However, it also underscores the importance of thoughtful and responsible investment in a resource that is essential for life.

Investors interested in water-related opportunities should carefully consider the various options available, from individual stocks and indexes to ETFs and mutual funds. By doing so, they can not only potentially benefit financially but also contribute to the sustainable management of one of the planet’s most critical resources.

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