7 Steps To Invest In Oil Futures ETF

by Yuki

Investing in oil futures exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can be an effective way to gain exposure to the oil market without the need to directly trade oil futures contracts. This guide provides an in-depth look at what oil futures ETFs are, the benefits and risks associated with them, and detailed steps on how to invest in them.

Understanding Oil Futures ETFs

Oil futures ETFs are investment funds that track the price movements of oil futures contracts. Unlike traditional ETFs that invest in stocks or bonds, oil futures ETFs invest in oil futures contracts, which are agreements to buy or sell oil at a future date and a specified price. These ETFs provide investors with an opportunity to profit from the price movements of oil without having to deal with the complexities and risks of trading futures directly.

Types of Oil Futures ETFs

There are primarily two types of oil futures ETFs:

Commodity-Based ETFs: These ETFs invest directly in oil futures contracts. They aim to mirror the performance of the oil market as closely as possible by holding futures contracts of varying maturities.

Equity-Based ETFs: These ETFs invest in the stocks of companies involved in the oil industry, such as oil producers, refiners, and service providers. While not directly tracking oil prices, they are influenced by the overall health of the oil market.

Benefits of Investing in Oil Futures ETFs


Oil futures ETFs offer diversification benefits. By investing in a single ETF, you gain exposure to a broad range of oil futures contracts, thereby spreading your risk across different contract maturities and market conditions.


ETFs are traded on major stock exchanges, making them highly liquid. You can buy and sell shares of an oil futures ETF just like you would with any other stock. This liquidity ensures that you can quickly enter or exit positions as market conditions change.

Lower Cost

Compared to directly trading futures contracts, investing in oil futures ETFs can be more cost-effective. Trading futures requires significant capital and involves costs such as margin requirements and potential rollover costs. ETFs, on the other hand, have lower transaction costs and do not require large initial investments.


Oil futures ETFs provide a convenient way for individual investors to access the oil market. You do not need to have a futures trading account or be familiar with the complexities of futures trading. By purchasing shares of an ETF, you can easily participate in the oil market.

Risks of Investing in Oil Futures ETFs


The oil market is notoriously volatile. Prices can fluctuate significantly due to geopolitical events, supply and demand imbalances, and economic factors. This volatility can lead to substantial gains or losses in the value of oil futures ETFs.

Contango and Backwardation

Oil futures ETFs are subject to contango and backwardation, which are market conditions that affect futures prices. Contango occurs when futures prices are higher than the spot price, leading to potential losses when contracts are rolled over. Backwardation, on the other hand, occurs when futures prices are lower than the spot price, potentially benefiting ETF investors.

Tracking Error

Oil futures ETFs may not perfectly track the price of oil due to various factors such as management fees, transaction costs, and the fund’s strategy for rolling over contracts. This tracking error can result in discrepancies between the ETF’s performance and the actual price movements of oil.

Step-by-Step Guide to Investing in Oil Futures ETFs

Step 1: Understand Your Investment Goals

Before investing in oil futures ETFs, it’s crucial to define your investment goals. Are you looking for short-term gains, long-term exposure to the oil market, or a hedge against inflation? Understanding your objectives will help you choose the right ETF and develop an appropriate investment strategy.

Step 2: Research Available Oil Futures ETFs

There are several oil futures ETFs available in the market, each with its own investment strategy and risk profile. Some of the most popular oil futures ETFs include:

United States Oil Fund (USO): This ETF aims to track the daily price movements of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil. It primarily invests in near-month futures contracts.

ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil (UCO): This leveraged ETF seeks to provide twice the daily performance of the Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil Subindex. It is suitable for short-term traders looking for amplified returns.

iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return Index ETN (OIL): This exchange-traded note (ETN) tracks the performance of the S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return Index, which reflects the returns from investing in crude oil futures.

Step 3: Analyze the ETF’s Structure and Performance

Once you have identified potential ETFs, analyze their structure and performance. Key factors to consider include:

Expense Ratio: The annual fees charged by the ETF. Lower expense ratios are generally more favorable.

Liquidity: The average daily trading volume and the bid-ask spread. Higher liquidity ensures easier trading and narrower spreads.

Historical Performance: Review the ETF’s past performance, keeping in mind that past performance is not indicative of future results.

Tracking Error: Compare the ETF’s performance with the price movements of the underlying oil futures contracts to assess how closely it tracks the market.

Step 4: Evaluate Market Conditions

Before investing, evaluate the current market conditions. Consider factors such as:

Oil Supply and Demand: Analyze global oil production, consumption trends, and inventory levels.

Geopolitical Events: Monitor geopolitical developments in major oil-producing regions that could impact supply and prices.

Economic Indicators: Assess economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and interest rates that can influence oil demand.

Step 5: Choose a Brokerage Account

To invest in oil futures ETFs, you need a brokerage account. Choose a reputable brokerage that offers a wide range of ETFs, competitive fees, and robust trading platforms. Some popular online brokers include:

1.Charles Schwab

2.TD Ameritrade



Step 6: Place Your Order

Once you have selected an ETF and opened a brokerage account, you can place your order. ETFs are traded like stocks, so you can buy shares at the market price or set a limit order to buy at a specific price. Decide on the number of shares you want to purchase based on your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Step 7: Monitor Your Investment

After making your investment, it’s important to regularly monitor the performance of your oil futures ETF. Keep track of oil market trends, geopolitical developments, and economic indicators that could impact the price of oil. Review your investment periodically and make adjustments as needed to align with your investment goals.

See also: How To Invest In Copper Futures?

Case Study

The United States Oil Fund (USO) is one of the most popular oil futures ETFs. Its performance during the COVID-19 pandemic provides a valuable case study of the volatility and risks associated with oil futures ETFs.

Pre-Pandemic Performance

Before the pandemic, USO generally tracked the price of WTI crude oil closely. As an ETF focused on near-month futures contracts, it provided investors with a way to gain exposure to short-term oil price movements.

Impact of the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented collapse in oil demand as global economic activity came to a halt. In April 2020, WTI crude oil prices turned negative for the first time in history, driven by a supply glut and lack of storage capacity. USO, which was heavily invested in near-month futures contracts, saw its value plummet.

USO’s Response and Recovery

In response to the extreme market conditions, USO made significant changes to its investment strategy. It began diversifying its holdings across longer-dated futures contracts to mitigate the impact of contango. This strategic shift helped stabilize the fund’s performance as the oil market gradually recovered.

Lessons Learned

The performance of USO during the pandemic highlights the importance of understanding the unique risks associated with oil futures ETFs. Investors need to be aware of factors such as market volatility, contango, and the ETF’s investment strategy to make informed decisions.

Tax Considerations

Investing in oil futures ETFs has specific tax implications. ETFs that invest in futures contracts are structured as partnerships for tax purposes. This means that investors may receive a Schedule K-1 form, which reports their share of the ETF’s income, gains, losses, and deductions. The tax treatment of these items can be complex, and it is advisable to consult with a tax professional to understand the implications for your specific situation.


Investing in oil futures ETFs can provide a convenient and cost-effective way to gain exposure to the oil market. However, it is essential to understand the unique risks and complexities associated with these investments. By following the steps outlined in this guide and conducting thorough research, you can make informed decisions and effectively incorporate oil futures ETFs into your investment portfolio.

Key Takeaways:

1.Oil futures ETFs offer exposure to oil price movements without the need to trade futures directly.

2.Benefits include diversification, liquidity, lower costs, and accessibility.

3.Risks include volatility, contango and backwardation, and tracking error.

4.A thorough understanding of your investment goals, market conditions, and the structure and performance of ETFs is crucial.

5.Monitoring your investment and staying informed about the oil market is essential for success.

By taking a disciplined and informed approach, you can navigate the complexities of oil futures ETFs and potentially benefit from the dynamic nature of the oil market.

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